The power
of colors on
our brain
Colors, often perceived as a purely aesthetic element, play a crucial role in our psychology and behaviour. Not only do they embellish our environment, they also have a direct influence on our brain and, by extension, on our emotions and behavior. Indeed, our decisions, whether about a product or a brand, are strongly influenced by color, so much so that 90% of our judgment about a product is based on its color.

Every color we perceive is the result of light reflected by an object and captured by our eyes. The latter transmit information to the brain, which translates these signals into what we recognize as colors. But the process doesn't stop there. When color is transmitted from the eye to the brain, the latter reacts by releasing hormones that can influence our physical, mental and emotional state. In this way, colors have the power to evoke positive or negative feelings.

of harmony
Color harmony offers a pleasant, balanced visual experience. It engages the viewer by creating a sense of order. Our brains tend to reject what they can't understand or organize. So, too much simplicity leads to under-stimulation, while too much complexity leads to over-stimulation. The ideal is to find a dynamic balance, i.e. harmony.